Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer school

Today was Boo's first day in the summer program. She is in a half-day integrated preschool followed by a half-day of one-on-one special needs learning. I was really nervous dropping her off because she has been out of school on a 3-week break. Usually we have regression issues as she forgets what she is supposed to do in the program.

I thought for sure there would be an issue with drop-off as for the summer program each teacher works 2-days a week. The teacher today was not Boo's normal teacher, nor was she in the same classroom that she is acclimated.

It was complete chaos when I dropped Boo off. First there was about 25 children just running around. The teacher could not tell who was coming and who was going. I bring Boo into the room in her stroller as she cannot walk long distances. Thank goodness! She would have been lost in the mix.

And then the teacher told me that she Boo not supposed to be there. There was some mix-up and she thought Boo was only there two days a week, today not being one of them. Hello? We had how many meetings about this program!

Thankfully Boo's aide (the one the school didn't think she needed) was present and stepped right in. She explained that she had been assigned to Boo for the day in both programs. She unbuckled Boo from her stroller and off they went to the stair climber.

So while I had anxiety about drop-off, apparently Boo did not!

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